UZ Gent Pathologie

Abstract bachelorproef 2015-2016: Optimization of the procedure for making embeddings of cytological samples, EBUS/EUS
The subject of my bachelor thesis performed at the laboratory of pathology at the University Hospital Ghent, was to compare different preparation procedures for cytological samples, obtained by Endo Bronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) and Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) prelevation.
The major problem when dealing with EBUS and EUS samples is the fact that these samples only contain a limited amount of cells. Sometimes there is not enough material to allow embeddings or to make a preparation for additional stainings. Different embedding procedures are described in the literature and used in pathological laboratories. Therefore, it would be useful to compare different procedures used in different laboratories and compare the yield of obtained tissue and/or cells.
The procedure applied at the laboratory of pathology, University Hospital Ghent were compared with the procedures of AZ Delta, Roeselare, and AZ Sint-Lucas, Ghent.
Different methods were compared for sample preparation, including the procedure of Cytoblock, the procedure with formol/acetic acid, the procedure of the CytoFoam Disk, the procedure from AZ Sint-Lucas with isopropanol, and finally the procedure from the AZ Delta using plasma and thrombin.
These different embedding preparations were followed by staining with haematoxylin-eosine (H&E). All embeddings were microscopically evaluated based on the cellularity and the morphological interpretation of the cytoplasmatic and nuclear detail of the present cells. Additionally, the cost and the labour-intensity of the technique was added to this evaluation.
Based on the evaluated criteria, the method with plasma and thrombin and the Cytoblock method come out on top. The neutral method and the method with isopropanol also meet the specifications and are slightly cheaper. However, they are unfortunately less efficient in the implementation. The selection of the CytoFoam Disk method is, especially based on price/quality, less performant and the method with formol/acetic acid has a significant drawback that in some preparations the haematoxylin and eosin stains are weaker and therefore the evaluation of the cells and/ or tissue is suboptimal.
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Traineeship supervisor
Geenen Sofie